Pedagogies of an intelligent faith

neoliberal spirituality and narratives of personal development in Edir Macedo's biography


  • Emanuelle Gonçalves Brandão Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)


Neoliberal Spirituality; Intelligent Faith; Igreja Universal.


our proposal is to analyze Edir Macedo's narratives of himself from a hermeneutic study of the biography Nada a Perder (Nothing to lose) – vols. 1, 2 and 3, written in co-authorship with Douglas Tavolaro. The current paper is based on Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutic perspective (1976, 2006, 2010), for whom the narrative arises from the dialectic between reality and fiction, past and present, all articulated through a narrative configuration that has as its constituent process the composition of the intrigue. The study indicates that more than an example of life, the narratives that constitute Macedo's biography materialize a particular type of pedagogy that teaches its readers to act according to the precepts of the “intelligent faith” from Universal Church of the Kingdom of the God, which is anchored not only in a political rationality, but also in a neoliberal spirituality.


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Author Biography

Emanuelle Gonçalves Brandão Rodrigues, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Doutora em Comunicação pela Universidade de Pernambuco (UFPE), onde também obteve o título de mestre. Professora substituta do curso de Relações Públicas da Universidade Federal de Alagoas (UFAL). É integrante dos grupos de pesquisa do CNPq Religião, Comunicação e Consumo (UFPE) e CORTE – Comunicação e Retóricas do Trabalho, do Consumo e do Empreendedorismo (UMESP).


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How to Cite

Emanuelle Gonçalves Brandão Rodrigues. (2022). Pedagogies of an intelligent faith: neoliberal spirituality and narratives of personal development in Edir Macedo’s biography. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 13(1), 48–66. Retrieved from



Thematic Section: education and spirituality