The Eliade’s phenomenological definition of Shamanism
some counterpoints provided by the culturalist perspective and an illustrative case from the Finno-Karelian tradition of the tietäjät
Shamanism; Mircea Eliade; Phenomenology; Culturalism.Abstract
Eliade’s works are, up to this day, inevitable reference for those who propose to approach Shamanism. In his phenomenological conception regarding the term, the Romanian author elects the phenomenon of ecstasy techniques and ritualistic trance as the elements which define Shamanism. The current study shall present the position that phenomenology tradition holds in the fields of the History of Religions and Religious Studies, contextualizing the definition of Shamanism provided by Eliade, and also presenting counterpoints raised by culturalist approaches. We have also brought an illustrative case, that of the tietäjä from Finno-Karelian tradition, in order to demonstrate how the phenomenological view obscures important details from the cultural milieu, providing clues that may be misleading, regarding even the presence or the absence of Shamanism in a specific society.
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