“Um tesouro que ficou escondido”: ressignificações de signos antigos no Festival de Música Católica Cristo é Nosso Show / “A treasure that was hidden”: resignifications of old signs at the Christ is Our Show Catholic Music Festival


  • Frank Antonio Mezzomo Unespar
  • Brandon Lopes dos Anjos


In this article, we seek to analyze the use of traditional signs during the 12th Christ is Our Show Catholic Music Festival (FMC), an event linked to Catholic charismatism. We conducted participant observation in the 2019 edition, collected documents in the main informational media and conducted an interview with the FMC presenter. We perceive the attempt to praise the tradition, by means of the resignification of practices, rituals and symbologies presented as holy and purified from contemporary cultural elements. Analyzing the FMC allows speculating on the rich diversity of expressions that composes Brazilian Catholicism, elements of a “mosaic” that is intended as “one”, but distant from a hegemonic model.

Keywords: Tradition. Modernity. Catholic Church. Charismatism.


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How to Cite

Mezzomo, F. A., & Anjos, B. L. dos. (2020). “Um tesouro que ficou escondido”: ressignificações de signos antigos no Festival de Música Católica Cristo é Nosso Show / “A treasure that was hidden”: resignifications of old signs at the Christ is Our Show Catholic Music Festival. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 11(1), 219–239. Retrieved from https://revistaplura.emnuvens.com.br/plura/article/view/1701