ABHR and CEHILA-Brasil: a 20-year academic partnership


  • Sergio Ricardo Coutinho


The contribution of ABHR and CEHILA-Brasil to the studies of the History of Christianity, Religions and the religious phenomenon, in general, especially among historians in our country, is undeniable and indisputable. Several participants from CEHILA-Brasil were in the early hours of the creation of the Brazilian Association of History of Religions as founding members. Because they saw in the ABHR project the possibility of deepening the “academic-religious” axis of CEHILA-Brazil. What was the profile of these historians? What kind of contribution was made to the new organization? What effects did it bring to CEHILA-Brasil itself? The purpose of this text is to make an “analytical memory” of the participation of the members of the Center for Studies in Church History, Brazil Area (CEHILA-Brazil), in the foundation and organization of the Brazilian Association of History of Religions (ABHR).

Keywords: Historiography. History of Religions. History of Christianity in Brazil.


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How to Cite

Coutinho, S. R. (2020). ABHR and CEHILA-Brasil: a 20-year academic partnership. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 10(2), 36–48. Retrieved from https://revistaplura.emnuvens.com.br/plura/article/view/1678



Seção Temática Dossiê 20 anos da Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões