Os intelectuais e o budismo japonês no Brasil / Intellectuals and Japanese Buddhism in Brazil


  • Eduardo Basto de Albuquerque

Palabras clave:

Budismo japonês, intelectuais brasileiros, Zen no Brasil, Budismo no Brasil / Japanese Buddhism, Brazilian intellectuals, Zen in Brazil, Buddhism in Brazil.



This study concentrates on the discovery of Japanese Buddhism by Brazilian intellectuals as a group of spiritual practices and as a body of spiritual wisdom. The study has been realized through readings and meetings with Japanese Buddhist monks and/or Japanese immigrants. These intellectuals defend a religious experience based on a universal notion of representations of Japanese Buddhism, which provides them with a non-dualistic philosophical perspective and a unique psychological experience. Through innovative spiritual experiences these intellectuals have broken the tension created within the dispute between secularized science and the Catholic hegemony, both predominant in the intellectual panorama.


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Cómo citar

Albuquerque, E. B. de. (2011). Os intelectuais e o budismo japonês no Brasil / Intellectuals and Japanese Buddhism in Brazil. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 2(2, Jul-Dez), 4–25. Recuperado a partir de https://revistaplura.emnuvens.com.br/plura/article/view/336



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