Druidry in Brazil: symbols and iconography
Druidry; Druids; Celts; Alexandre Malhado; iconography.Abstract
Drudry is a spiritual movement that professes a faith inspired by the druids, the members of a priestly class that existed among the ancient Celts. Based on the data obtained in a field research with the contemporary druid Alexandre Malhado and on images posted by Brazilian druidic groups on the Internet, we discuss, after a historical contextualization, the presence of druidical symbols iconography at Brazilian cultic spaces, altars and digital spaces. We discuss, moreover, how these symbols and iconography, originated in great measure from anglophone countries, propagate through the Internet, acomodating, at times, elements of Brazilian culture, flora and fauna, whose presence is encouraged by the Druidical doctrines of the sacredness of nature – which demands we take into consideration the Brazilian fauna and flora – and of the so-called three families (the soul family, the land family and the blood family), which emphatizes the connection with native Brazilian peoples as much as the one with the ancient Celts.
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