Religious Teaching

curricular guidelines and new implementations in the municipality of Vila Velha (ES)


  • Alexandre Camelo Tavares PUC Minas


Religion, Religious Education, Curriculum, Pedagogical implementations


This study aims to discuss how the Curriculum guidelines the New Pedagogical Implementations in religious education that have been placed on the agenda of education. After discussing these facts, the importance of some factors to collaborate with the religious teaching curriculum and contributing to new pedagogical implementations is perceived. However, an exploratory research was carried out, integrated with documental research and an in-depth reflection on the topic in question. Thus, it was concluded that the curriculum certainly focuses on “knowing oneself” as a mandatory component, integrated into the Political Pedagogical Project to promote the culture of peace and citizenship. The complexity of the curriculum in religious teaching is recognized and it is observed that there may be changes in the attitude and pedagogical practice of teachers, in order to understand about religious teaching, armed with a solid theoretical foundation, with skills of analysis and critical reflection on all formats that make up and influence the school context.


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Author Biography

Alexandre Camelo Tavares, PUC Minas

Doutorando em Ciência das Religiões pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais. Mestre em Ciência da Religião pela Faculdade Unida de Vitória. Professor efetivo na Educação Básica em duas cadeiras na rede municipal de Educação de Vila Velha. Diretor da UMEF Professor Antônio Lorenzutti.


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How to Cite

Tavares, A. C. (2023). Religious Teaching: curricular guidelines and new implementations in the municipality of Vila Velha (ES). PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 13(2), 242–254. Retrieved from