Experiências de regionalização da ABHR: bons ares vêm do Norte

Experiences from the regionalization of the ABHR: good winds from the North


  • Diego Omar da Silveira


Becoming established in a country of vast territorial proportions like Brazil and producing socially relevant knowledge for each of its regions has been a challenge faced by many research entities in the present day. For the Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões – ABHR (Brazilian Association for the History of Religions), this has been a key issue and has produced important results in terms of encouraging new research spaces and the articulation of new generations of scholars of religion and religiosity studies. This paper briefly presents the experiences of the ABHR North and the first results that emerged from the research events that took place in 2017 and 2019, in Parintins (AM) and Santarém (PA).

Keywords: Brazilian Association for the History of Religions. Regionalization. North.


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How to Cite

Silveira, D. O. da. (2020). Experiências de regionalização da ABHR: bons ares vêm do Norte: Experiences from the regionalization of the ABHR: good winds from the North. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 10(2), 102–118. Retrieved from https://revistaplura.emnuvens.com.br/plura/article/view/1684



Seção Temática Dossiê 20 anos da Associação Brasileira de História das Religiões