As filosofias da história e a tese da secularização: a teologia cristã e as raízes da secularização na modernidade / The philosophies of history and the secularization thesis: Christian theology and the roots of secularization in modernity


  • Jose Carlos Aguiar de Souza PUC-MINAS


Secularização, Modernidade, Filosofias da história, Escatologia / Secularization, Modernity, Philosophies of history, Eschatology



Karl Löwith challenges the very foundations of the modern age with his thesis of secularization: the derivation of modern philosophies of history, with their celebration of progress, from Christianity. There are hidden theological presuppositions of modern historical consciousness, as exemplified by the thinkers of the 18th and 19th centuries. In other words, the secularization thesis reduces the modern age to a disguised version of Christian eschatology. Blumenberg’s outstanding work, The Legitimacy of the Modern Age, stands up to the underlying presuppositions of Löwith’s thesis. He introduces the concept of “secularization by eschatology” instead of “secularization of eschatology”.


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Biografia do Autor

Jose Carlos Aguiar de Souza, PUC-MINAS

Doutor em Filosofia prof PPGCR da Puc-Minas e do ISTA




Como Citar

Aguiar de Souza, J. C. (2011). As filosofias da história e a tese da secularização: a teologia cristã e as raízes da secularização na modernidade / The philosophies of history and the secularization thesis: Christian theology and the roots of secularization in modernity. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 2(2, Jul-Dez), 43–57. Recuperado de



Seção Temática: Filosofias da História e da Religião / Thematic Section: Philosophies of History and Religion