Ressonância e espiritualidade como designador do não religioso
uma análise conceitual da busca por significado e conexão na perspectiva de Hartmut Rosa
Aceleração Social; Espiritualidade “não religiosa”; Hartmut Rosa; Ressonância.Abstract
The objective of this article is to examine the appropriateness of the terms resonance and spirituality for describing phenomena associated with the non-religious. Drawing on Hartmut Rosa’s theory of social acceleration, the text explores the elective affinities between both concepts while discussing the idea of “non-religious” spirituality. The first section presents the theory of social acceleration and its alienating effects in modern life, contrasted with the possibility of resonance as a positive existential response. The second section addresses the notion of “non-religious spirituality,” especially in the context of the “non-religious” and those who identify as “spiritual but not religious.” The final section establishes a conceptual comparison between resonance and spirituality, questioning the relevance of spirituality as a term to designate non-religious experiences. The conclusion suggests that resonance would be a more appropriate concept to designate this search for meaning in a non-religious context, as it avoids the symbolic pollution associated with the use of spirituality to denote non-religious phenomena.
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