Religion and science must be together in favor of the environmental movement.


  • Heslley Silva Centro Universitário de Formiga (UNIFOR/MG) e Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG)


Environmental issues are on the agenda of major global confrontations; however many conservative governments have developed erratic policies on the issue. These governments have broad support from religious groups. In parallel, there is a discrediting of scientific information about environmental threats, especially through the internet. It is proposed that science may have religion as an ally, so it must be demonstrated that religious texts may indicate the need to harmonize with nature, especially in Christian belief groups. Science can make available evidence-based information on environmental threats, and religion can make its force and social energy available to change its thinking.


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Author Biography

Heslley Silva, Centro Universitário de Formiga (UNIFOR/MG) e Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais (UEMG)

Pós-doutor em Educação e Ciência pela Universidade do Minho, Portugal (2016). Doutor em Educação na Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2015), programa Latino-americano e linha de pesquisa Educação e Ciência, possui mestrado em Educação pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (2000), com especialização em Biotecnologia pela Universidade Federal de Lavras e especialização em Biologia Celular e Molecular pela Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Atualmente é professor Titular I e pesquisador do Centro Universitário de Formiga/MG (UNIFOR/MG). E-mail:


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How to Cite

Silva, H. (2023). Religion and science must be together in favor of the environmental movement. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 14(2), 216–222. Retrieved from


