desenvolvimento e contribuições em meio à Teologia Latino-Americana

Historical Jesus and Latin America


  • Mateus Soares Guedes Escola Superior de Teologia (EST)
  • Flávio Schmitt Faculdades EST em São Leopoldo/RS


Historical Jesus, Latin American theology, Society


This article investigates how Latin American theology sees the historical Jesus and builds its theology from him, besides observing its implications for society. To do this, it is necessary to understand what this Historical Jesus is. The Historical Jesus is understood as the result of scientific interdisciplinary research, which is characteristic of the third phase of the research on Jesus, the third quest. Thus, it is noted that Latin American theology welcomes the results of this research on Jesus and from this builds its theology, having an important task by discussing faith and history. This way, Latin American theologians have understood that the Historical Jesus is the basis of faith, so the starting point for a Latin American christology must be the historical Jesus. Thus, from the historical observation of Jesus, Jesus is understood during a context of oppression and injustice, which applies his message to these contexts. Considering that Jesus’ life and message are imbued with various social, economic, political, and ideological aspects, the theology presented in Latin America must also be involved in a fight against oppression and social injustice, as the political and social context of Latin America is permeated by various types of oppression, exploitation, and injustice.


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Author Biographies

Mateus Soares Guedes, Escola Superior de Teologia (EST)

Graduado em Teologia pela Faculdade Teologia Batista Equatorial; Mestrando em Tradições e
Escrituras Sagradas pela Escola Superior de Teologia (EST), como bolsista CNPq. Email:


Flávio Schmitt, Faculdades EST em São Leopoldo/RS

Doutor em Ciências da Religião pela UMESP, professor na Faculdades EST em São Leopoldo/RS.


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How to Cite

Guedes, M. S. ., & Schmitt, F. . (2021). desenvolvimento e contribuições em meio à Teologia Latino-Americana: Historical Jesus and Latin America. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 12(2), 259–277. Retrieved from



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