Paralelos e convergências na história das religiões segundo Rudolf Otto / Parallels and convergences in the history of religions according to Rudolf Otto


  • Alexandro Souza


Rudolf Otto, Fenomenologia da Religião, História da Religião, Filosofia da Religião, Teologia, O Sagrado, Phenomenology of Religion, History of Religion, Philosophy of Religion, Theology, The Idea of the Holy



In his work Religious Essays, the German thinker Rudolf Otto argues that historical consideration can bring us an embarrassing impression of similarities and regularities in the development of religions. This leads him to propose a comparative study based on the notion of parallel lines of development. In Otto’s view, despite the individual characteristics of the varied manifestations of religion, it is possible to trace a schematic framework of their developments, from earlier religious manifestations up to the conquest of the idea of the holy. During this process, the mythological groundwork would give its place to a definitely moralized and spiritualized notion, pressing, according to the author, towards the idea of an Absolute.


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Como Citar

Souza, A. (2011). Paralelos e convergências na história das religiões segundo Rudolf Otto / Parallels and convergences in the history of religions according to Rudolf Otto. PLURA, Revista De Estudos De Religião PLURA, Journal for the Study of Religion, 2(2, Jul-Dez), 181–195. Recuperado de



Seção Temática: Filosofias da História e da Religião / Thematic Section: Philosophies of History and Religion